Developer Guide
Style Guide

Style Guide

This style guide outlines the coding conventions expected for contributions to the MedModels codebase. Maintaining consistent style helps ensure code readability and maintainability for everyone involved.


  • Formatting: We use black for automatic code formatting. Commit all changes made by black using black . or make format.
  • Linting: We use ruff for static type checking. Ensure your code passes linting before submitting a pull request.

ruff Configuration:

We provide a ruff configuration in pyproject.toml configuration file that excludes certain directories from linting. You can find the configuration details below:

exclude = [
line-length = 88
  • Line Length: Maintain a maximum line length of 88 characters.


  • Formatting: We use rustfmt for code formatting. Ensure your code is formatted correctly before submitting a pull request. Tools like cargo fmt can be used to achieve this.
  • Linting: We use clippy for static code analysis and catching potential errors or inefficiencies. Ensure your code passes linting before submitting a pull request. Tools like cargo clippy can be used to run linting.

Additional Notes

  • Consider using IDE plugins or extensions for both Python and Rust that integrate with black and rustfmt respectively. This allows for automatic formatting within your development environment.
  • Similarly, look for extensions that integrate with clippy to provide linting feedback directly in your IDE.
  • If you encounter any specific style-related questions or conflicts, feel free to reach out to project maintainers for clarification.

By following these guidelines, you'll contribute to a well-formatted and maintainable codebase for MedModels!