Developer Guide
Local setup and IDE Configuration

Setting up your IDE and the local environment

MedModels leverages a combination of Python and Rust code. To contribute effectively, you'll need to set up a development environment that supports both languages. This section guides you through the process.



Using the Makefile:

MedModels utilizes a Makefile to manage development tasks. Here's a breakdown of the available commands and their functionalities:

  • prepare-venv: Creates a virtual environment named .venv if it doesn't already exist.
  • install: Sets up the virtual environment and installs the project in editable mode (meaning changes to the code are reflected without needing to reinstall).
  • install-dev: Similar to install, but additionally installs development dependencies needed for running tests, linting, and code formatting.
  • install-tests: Creates the virtual environment and installs the project along with its testing dependencies.
  • build-dev: Installs Rust dependencies (using maturin develop).
  • test: Runs both Python (using pytest) and Rust unit tests (using cargo test).
  • lint: Runs code linters for both Python (using ruff) and Rust (using cargo clippy).
  • format: Formats Python code using black.
  • clean: Removes the virtual environment, cache directories, build artifacts, and other temporary files.

Using the Makefile with your IDE:

The provided Makefile can be integrated with most IDEs. Consult your IDE's documentation for instructions on adding custom build tasks based on Makefiles. This allows you to easily run commands like make install-dev or make test directly from within your IDE.

By following these steps and leveraging the Makefile, you'll have a development environment ready to contribute to the MedModels codebase!

IDE Config: VSCode

For a smooth development experience in VS Code, we recommend installing the following extensions. You can install them directly within VS Code using the provided extensions.json file. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the VS Code extensions view (Go > Extensions or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+X on Windows/Linux or Cmd+Shift+X on macOS).
  2. Click the Import Extensions icon (three dots stacked diagonally) in the extensions view.
  3. Select the provided extensions.json file from your local project directory.

This will import the list of recommended extensions and prompt you to install them.

Recommended Extensions:

The .vscode/extensions.json file includes the following extensions to enhance your development experience:

  "recommendations": [

VS Code Settings:

Once you've installed the recommended extensions, consider adding the following settings to your VS Code settings file (.vscode/settings.json) to optimize your development workflow. These settings are provided below for your reference:

  "editor.formatOnSave": true, // Format code automatically on save
  "editor.formatOnPaste": true, // Format pasted content
  "editor.autoIndent": "advanced", // Enable smart auto-indentation
  "files.associations": {
    "setup.cfg": "ini", // Associate .setup.cfg files with INI syntax highlighting
    "rust-toolchain": "toml" // Associate rust-toolchain files with TOML syntax highlighting
  "evenBetterToml.schema.enabled": false, // Disable validation schema for TOML files (if preferred)
  "editor.rulers": [
    // Set a visual guide at column 88 for most files
  "[rust]": {
    "editor.rulers": [
      // Set a visual guide at column 100 for Rust files
  "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true, // Remove trailing whitespace on save
  "files.insertFinalNewline": true, // Ensure a newline at the end of files
  "python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true, // Activate virtual environment in terminal automatically
  "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "${workspaceFolder}/.venv/bin/python", // Set the default Python interpreter to the virtual environment
  "python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true, // Activate virtual environment in the current terminal window
  "autoDocstring.docstringFormat": "google", // Use Google-style docstrings
  "[python]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "" // Set Black as the default Python code formatter

These settings will provide a streamlined development experience for working on the MedModels codebase within VS Code.