Developer Guide
Reporting Bugs

Reporting Bugs and Requesting Features

MedModels uses GitHub issues to track bugs, feature requests, and other forms of feedback. To ensure a smooth contribution process, please follow these guidelines:

  • Utilize Issue Labels: When creating a new issue, use the appropriate label from here: (opens in a new tab) to categorize your issue. This helps maintainers efficiently route and prioritize issues.
  • Leverage Issue Templates: MedModels provides four issue templates to streamline contribution:
    • Bug Report: Use this template for reporting bugs or unexpected behavior encountered while using MedModels.
    • Documentation Improvement: This template guides you in suggesting improvements to the existing documentation.
    • Feature Request: Have an idea for a new feature? This template helps you outline the desired functionality and its potential benefits.
    • Report a Security Vulnerability: If you discover a security vulnerability in MedModels, please use this template and disclose the issue responsibly.

Following these steps will ensure your contributions are clear, well-organized, and readily addressed by the MedModels maintainers.